General Information for Graduation


Sunday 26 May 2024 – Special Study Session for Violin Level 8+  More Info

Thursday 25 July 2024 – Strings/Wind Graduation Recordings & Paperwork Due

Thursday 25 July 2024 – Piano soloist audition applications due

Thursday 1 August 2024 – Piano/Organ Graduation Recordings & Paperwork Due

Sunday 13 October & 20 October 2024 – Graduation Rehearsal Dates for Senior Violin & Cello

Sunday 27 October 2024 – Suzuki 46th Graduation Concert at Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House
        See – Graduation Concert Repertoire for Violin Viola and Cello

Sunday 10 November 2024 – Piano Graduation Recital at Utzon Room, Opera House (Day 1)

Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 November 2024 – Piano Graduation Recital at Utzon Room, Opera House (Day 2 & 3)

What is Graduation – by Sheila Warby

Piano Graduation Pieces – new (piano teachers, please take note of the new requirements)

All Graduation paperwork, including the new Graduation Procedure Document, is now available.  You will need a password to access the page.  The password has been emailed to all Financial Teachers.  Please renew your Teacher’s membership if you have not received our email or check your spam box.

Teachers: If you have students graduating this year, please make sure your teacher membership and your students’ membership are all up to date.

How to submit your Student’s Graduation on your Teacher Portal – Tutorial by Braxton Neate

How to upload your recording to YouTube and make it Unlisted

How to convert Audio File to a Video for upload to YouTube – (use a free program called ZEED) 

Medical Action Plan (if applicable) – only required if Students attending the Graduation Concert on 27 October 2024 AND has a medical condition.  Teacher/Parent – please submit via email or mail hard copy to Suzuki Office by Thursday 25 July 2024.

Parents: Please make sure your graduating child’s details are up to date before 1 July each year.  Below are Parent’s guides on:

How to review and update your Child’s Details

How to Upload your child’s Recording for Graduation