Find a teacher

The Suzuki Talent Education Association of Australia (NSW) Ltd keeps an online record of qualified teachers in your area. Even if you have found a Suzuki teacher on your own, it is wise to check our listing to verify their qualifications are current.

When choosing a teacher, it is recommended that you arrange to observe some lessons to see the Suzuki Method in action and to see if the teacher’s style suits you.

Fees are set by each individual teacher.

What qualifications do teachers have?

All accredited Suzuki teachers must pass entry requirements and undergo specialised training to teach the Suzuki Method. Once accredited, teachers are expected to participate in teacher training workshops to ensure their professional growth and maintain their teacher status.
Teacher Accreditation levels are indicative of the current level of training and experience. Cert III level teachers have complied with all training requirements up to Graduation level 3 on their instrument. Cert IV have complied up to Graduation Level 7. Diploma have completed our full course.
